July 21, 2009

Girls Rule

While it must be said that we ADORE all of our cousins, we were especially excited to meet little L. She is the first girl born on my family's side since Sleeping Beauty and Snow White made their appearance ten years ago. Now, while each one of our boy cousins have been super cute (and still are) we were really excited to have another girl to hang out with. It's especially great that sweet L was born to my baby brother who, at the ripe age of fourteen swore that he would never, ever have a girl. (He lived with us for almost a whole summer when our girls were six and four and moving and sick and not sleeping and just a little bit (a whole lot) whiny. You could hardly blame him.) But, alas, Nate is completely smitten with his new baby girl. And, he should be. She's a sweet little ball of nummy-smelling love. We couldn't get enough of her. Little L, her cousin Cinderella, her mommy, Christine, and her Great-Grandma Roberts:

These last two pictures were taken by my talented Uncle Dave whose photos can be seen here.


  1. So sweet! It is amazing how much she looks like both or her parents. Sometimes I think she looks so much like her mommy and then other pictures I think it looks just like Nate. Crazy.

    I have been so sad that I have not been able to meet her yet, but until this moment, while reading this, I never thought about the fact that I have missed out on seeing my baby brother hold his tiny baby. I am so sad. He has always been such a great uncle. I am sure it would be one of the sweetest things I'd ever see.

  2. I'm surprised you let others even hold her! I imagine that little baby spent some good time in Aunty Queen's arms!

  3. New babies make people happy. She's adorable!


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