July 28, 2009

The Pain Doctor

I spent yesterday morning driving an hour to meet with a new doctor. A "pain specialist". My friend's husband asked, "Does he relieve pain, or cause it?" I'm still undecided about that one. He was nice. He listened to my headache tale. He suggested a few things.

He set up an appointment for me to see a new neurologist. This is okay, since mine moved to India. Yes, India. The country. It's not like I can call and ask for advice or refills on medication anymore, so I do need a new neurologist. This new guy (who also has a name that I can neither spell nor pronounce, so let's hope he doesn't decide to move back to his country of origin after he meets me) is a headache specialist. Which is good. I guess. I mean, why wouldn't it be?

Pain doctor wants to get an MRI of my neck. And since the one of my head was so fun, I'm super excited to do one of my neck. Especially since I get to pay for it. Yeeehaaaw! (Although, now I've finally met my super high deductible, so now I'll only have to pay, say, 300 dollars, instead of 1500. Phew.)

After I get more crazy radiation exposure the MRI, pain doctor plans to use said images to inject something into the nerves in my neck. You would think I would have asked exactly what he plans to shoot into my body. But I didn't. I didn't, and don't, really care. I trust him. If he thinks it will work, I am happy to try it. Heaven knows I've tried other crazy things. And, by the time he is actually ready to do the procedure, I will have information in the mail and will probably have to sign my life away (again), so I will know more. I hope it turns my skin green and gives me warts. It would be so fun to look really great on Halloween. I love Halloween.Also, pain doc has prescribed physical therapy on the neck and shoulders three times a week for a month. This one I might like. The first time I had physical therapy on my back, when I was in high school, I had a smokin' hot physical therapist intern. He made me so nervous, I thought I would die. I've been dreaming about going to physical therapy ever since.

Can't wait.

image via


  1. I used to do phys therapy for my neck, too, but I was too lazy for the 3x a week thing. Massage part, cool. Exercise part, not. But I might be motivated by pain and large medical bills. Good luck.

  2. When my youngest son qualified for a physical therapist to come to our home and work with him, I was so excited that I actually put make-up on that day!

    Smokin' hot turned into "Julie-the 25-year-old-over-achiever-with-a-Ph.D.

    Just preparing you for the possibility of disappointment. Sorry.

  3. I pray every day that your pain will go away... Maybe this is the thing which will help!

  4. Came over from the Meanest Mom. No Worries-- there is no radiation in a MRI, so you won't be glowing for months. :-)

    Also, have you ever tried Topomax for your headaches??? I went from 4-5 migraines a week to one in the last 3 years--it has been a miracle for me, and I try to tell all of my patients about it.

    Hope you don't mind me crashin' your blog! Good luck with your "Pain Doc"--and may your therapist be hot!

  5. Hang in there. There is bound to be something to give you back your life!

  6. Good luck! I hope your PT guy is super hot, just to make your days a little easier.


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