July 6, 2009

Well, Hello There

It's been a while. Do I still have a blog? I think so. The last week or so, I've been trying hard to rest enough to enjoy vacation and the whole blog thing has fallen to the bottom of the priority list. So have reading and laundry. Thankfully, my mom doesn't care that I sat around in my pajamas all day long. Actually, she probably wishes she could, too, instead of going to work. The girls were more than happy to watch TV and hang out in pajamas. Luckily, Aunt Em saved them from their vegetative state and brought over little cousin S, who is two, to play with them (this activity is otherwise known as babysitting). Right now, they are chasing cute S around and he's squeeling and saying Snow White's name over and over just because he can. He loves her name, I think. It's cute.

So, anyway, back to this whole behind on the blog thing. We have been quite busy. Here is a list you can expect me to report on sometime in the near future. (By 'near' I mean anytime before Cinderella graduates from High School. I wouldn't want to get all overzealous or anything.)
  • Meeting new cousin L
  • The night we picked peas, dined on delicious (if slightly recipe-altered) food and watched a fabulous rainstorm
  • Being in a parade
  • Playing charades and dominoes with the fam
  • Attending the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House
  • Bowling and hot tub fun
  • Creative napping strategies
  • Staying with my college friend and having entirely too much fun
  • Visiting friends who have grown up too fast
  • The Night That No One Slept (except Sleeping Beauty, of course)
  • Zip lines and broken paddle boats
  • The Rodeo
  • Feeding the friendly horses

This week, we aim to recover from last week's activities and try to get in a few more fun things as well. I should say that Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and I aim to. King and Cinderella have flown back home so Cinderella can pack for camp. She leaves tomorrow. Do you know how traumatizing it is to send your daughter off to her first week-long Girl's Camp from 2,000 miles away? Trust me, you don't want to know.

Also, I think I am the palest person in St. George, Utah at the moment. Seriously, I sparkle and blind others in the sun. Just call me Edward. (Okay, that was a way lame Twilight joke. Sorry. Just count yourself lucky if you don't get it because you haven't read the book or seen the movie. It was a lame joke, and an even lamer part of the movie. Anyway....)

I love Cafe Rio. I've been three times and it's not enough. I must go again before I leave the west. I think I could get out of my pajamas for a pork burrito, black beans, medium sauce, served enchilada style. Yes, definitely I could.

And lastly, I think it would be fun to write a book. Don't you? Whenever I read a clever, great book, I think to myself, 'I could do that. I could write a book.' But, really, it would just be hard and I don't think I could really do it. But, it does sound fun, doesn't it?

Until next random posting time...adieu!


  1. Denise7/06/2009

    I absolutely think you should write a book. I have always thought that you are a terrific writer, and I have four sisters that agree with me.

  2. Fun, fun, fun! I never thought about how hard it would be to send Cinderella (did I get the right princess??) to camp without being there. Hard. Hang in there. I miss you. I'll hang in there too:) And, you could totally write a book...you are smart, witty, clever, and sarcastic. I would totally buy it!

  3. Looking forward to seeing you again! Sounds like you're having fun - Bring me home a burrito!

  4. Cafe Rio is pretty sweet!! Sounds like you guys are having tons of fun. I can't wait to catch up...

  5. I agree with Cafe Rio and everything else you mentioned. So hard for me to think of having a gd who is 12 when it was just yesterday she was an infant. She'll be fine; even though you may doubt it sometimes, she has been raised well. So glad you got some time in your pjs.Thanks for all the great pix!


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