November 7, 2008

Not My Best Week

This feels like a really long week. King's been gone for three days, and I've been sick. I'm finally over my cold, but, unfortunately, my migraines have been terrible. Anyway, I'm not really complaining, simply giving some background to the following events---
  • Yesterday morning I ate 3/4 of a bowl of cold cereal with milk when I realized that there were little curdled spots of milk in my bowl. Yep, totally rotten milk. I suppose that I just couldn't smell or taste anything so I didn't notice. Or, I may have thought it smelled a bit off, but, truthfully, when I have a bad headache my nose becomes super-nose and all milk, meat, shoes, kids, husbands, and almost everything smells terrible. So I guess I just thought it was a headache thing. Well, luckily I didn't get sick or anything, but I think I won't eat cereal for breakfast for a few days. Ick.
  • Ten people asked me where King was and I didn't know. I simply forgot where he had gone because I didn't arrange the business trip and I was too sick to care when he left. I had to look it up. I swear, I shouldn't be trusted. It was worse that one of these people was my bishop. Uh, duh. How embarrassing.
  • The girls were playing nicely and quietly outside, so I was resting and letting them enjoy no supervision whatsoever. A few minutes later I see that they have taken one of our pumpkins and smashed it all over the street. Hoodlums.


  1. Sorry to laugh at your expense, but that is pretty hilarious!

  2. Smashing pumpkins, must be something to that, I want to try...
    Sorry you're not up to par! Where is king?

  3. oh man, we've been sick at our house too. I haven't had the worst of it, but just low energy. I'm sorry. But in a completely selfish way, I'm kind of glad that you were sick because I hadn't seen you on my blog for several days and I thought that maybe I had fallen out of your favor. :)

  4. I have a cold too, I can't taste anything. So why can't I stop eating these cheetos.

  5. Smashing pumpkins in the street? Not your little girls!?

  6. I assume King returned? Who cleaned up the pumpkins is what I would like to know. Where was King anyway?


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