October 13, 2009

What Did They Say?

Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were telling me all about their field trip to the zoo. They told me about going into a building and hearing a racket in the other room.

"The parents were all in there, but we couldn't see them yet, we could just hear them being so loud," said Sleeping Beauty.

"Yeah, one of them was singing, 'La,la la, la, LAA' really loud," said Snow White.

"Why were they all in there, in that room? Where?" I asked.

"Who knows? That's just where they were, in this one building. I have no idea why they were all in just one room. We could hear them right when we stepped in," explained Sleeping Beauty.

"Hmm, weird. Were your chaperons with you, or were they in that room?" I wondered.

"One was in the loud room, and I think one was by me. Or maybe they were both in there. I don't know. We all just kind of went in there. It was so loud. You wouldn't believe all the crazy stuff they were saying, Mom!" said SW.

"Like what?" I ask. At this point I'm thinking, 'When was this? Why would all of the parents be in one room, instead of with the kids? What in the world were they doing? What was happening? Strange.'

Sleeping Beauty tried to remember, "One of them was singing really loud, 'Lalalalalala', and another one was saying, 'What you got there?' super loud, and I can't remember what all of them were saying. It was too loud to tell."

And I'm thinking, 'I guess sleeping on a cement floor could do strange things to you...but singing? What?'"Well, why were all of the parents in a different room from you? Was it before breakfast, or what?" I wondered.

"What?" exclaimed Snow White, "Not parents, Mom......Parrots. There was a room full of parrots singing and talking. Sheesh, Mom!"

Oh, well, okay. That does make a bit more sense.


  1. It's hard to get old and lose your hearing isn't it?

  2. That is hilarious! I can just see the girls shaking their heads!

  3. Ha ha ha! this is totally funny!


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