September 25, 2009

For Sure

These things I know for sure:

1. I would have made a lousy POW. Seriously. Four days of mostly rice and I don't think I like it anymore. Can you imagine doing this for months? I'm a wimp.
2. Our house was built on land that magically grows dirty sock producing vines. Growing up through the slab, into the house. At least, that must be what is happening, because the socks in the living room and family room that keep appearing seem to belong to no one and nobody knows how they got there.

3. Boys' Basketball shorts are the most comfortable pants that ever were, and should be made in all colors to match all shirts. Even though they are loose, baggy, and sloppy, they make fabulous school clothes for girls that like to be comfortable and whose mothers are too tired in the morning to make them wear something a little more school appropriate. Just ask Snow White.

4. Twin ten-year-olds are much easier to handle than twin newborns. Except for the math homework thing.

5. It does not matter how many cable channels you have, there is nothing good on at three in the morning.

6. I still am not quite sure what "business attire" is. But I'm still sticking with the black skirt and white shirt thing. I suppose I will let you know if I am the only pseudo-nun there tonight.

7. The radio should not be allowed to play any Hannah Montana or Taylor Swift songs in the mornings because some people might just go a tiny bit crazy if they keep singing those songs all through the day while their kids are in school.

8. Well, I just don't really like odd numbers.

1 comment:

  1. Optimism: "This too shall pass."
    Do you know where this quote originated? (Just wait 'til double-digit-divisor division!! YIKES!!!!!)


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