September 11, 2009


Yesterday morning I dumped the last of my favorite cereal in a bowl and grabbed the milk. As I poured the milk on my cereal, it came out in chunks and smelled divine. I have no idea how the milk got to be this way, but I have my suspicions.

The twins' teacher emailed me and let me know that each of them had a missing assignment in the last couple of days. Naturally, it was not their fault, and they had no idea how such a thing could happen. I assured them that now that they are required to write all assignments in their agendas, and bring all work home to be checked, that this won't happen again. They are so excited.

By the way, guess what their classroom jobs are? Homework Monitor, and Agenda Monitor. It seems someone up there has a very good sense of humor.


  1. Yummy! We haven't had milk go bad for a long long time, we do run out quite often though.
    My kids have the same teachers who invent assingments and don't tell anyone (although somehow everyone else in the class found out but them!)

  2. milk = ewwwww yuck.

    homework = ewwwwww yuck.

    nuff said.


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