November 14, 2009

Things Overheard At My House Today

"It's Saturday, I'm supposed to have a break today."

"That's not my (fill in the blank), it's hers."

"Why do I have to clean it? I don't even use the bathroom." (Yikes.)

"Well, I don't know how my stuff got here."

"Why do I have to do that chore? I don't want that one!"

"Tell her to mind her own business. She's not even cleaning her part of the bathroom."

"Tell them to come and get their junk out of the Living Room. I'm supposed to clean it."

"Don't touch my stuff!!"

I would go on, but then all of my childless readers might never have children, and I can't be held responsible for that. Now, back to my slave-driving...

1 comment:

  1. That's so weird, those are the same things I hear at my house too...


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