December 31, 2009

Sometimes It's Really For a Different Reason

I took one of the girls to the Pediatrician for an appointment.  She had an ear infection.  And then we discussed what I had hoped to soon have a reason for her to see the Dr:  acne.  (I know, a lovely topic.  It had to be done.)  Dr. said the best reason to talk to him is so that he could help dispel some of those myths, like eating pizza or chocolate makes break-outs worse, or scrubbing helps make them go away.  He said that, mostly, a lot of it boils down to genetics.

"Gee, thanks, Mom," my darling daughter says. 

Kindly, I say back, "Oh, just wait until you are my age and you will have acne plus the extra fun of wrinkles, like me."

The good Dr. chuckles and says, "Oh, you don't really have any wrinkles."  (I knew I liked him.) :)

And my daughter quips, "Well, that's only because she got Botox."

Nice.  The good Dr. raises his eyebrows and quickly tries to figure out why this housewife in sweats and an old t-shirt would be vain enough to have Botox at the tender age of 36, all the while trying not to give away his shock and curiosity.

"Well,"  I explain, "it's a long story."  (Which, of course, he wouldn't know, as he is our family's pediatrician and not my family doctor.)  "See, they are trying to see if it will help my headaches.  They've tried everything else.  It's different than cosmetic Botox.  Deeper, and all over the head, although, it does have some of the cosmetic benefits, I suppose,"  and I add for good measure, "But it doesn't get rid of acne."

"Hmm, well, I hope it works.  I've never heard of that before."

So, I'm not really sure if he believes my story, but I guess I do look unwrinkled, as he said I didn't have wrinkles before he knew about the Botox.  Thanks, darling daughter, for bringing Botox up, by the way.  I wonder how many other people she has casually mentioned this to?!  No wonder everyone seems to be looking at me closely whenever I see them.  But, probably, they are just checking out my adult acne.


  1. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities for payback?

    Any positive results yet?

  2. Oh my gosh - I do a good enough job of embarrassing myself. I don't think I really need teenagers to help!! I suppose I can't get out of it now. One day...

    It sucks to have acne AND wrinkles. I'm glad you don't! :)

  3. Anonymous1/15/2010

    Well...I just found out last night that our oldest daughter and her friend were having a wonderful time in art class laughing about her friend's dog biting me in the rear a few years ago.


    And my reminder that I had a bruise for two weeks just made her laugh harder.

    We get no respect.


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