April 4, 2009

Conference, Bribery, and Other Odd Random Thoughts

I love General Conference weekend. I love hearing the words of our Prophet and other inspired church leaders. Great messages and many things for me to learn and ponder. If you missed it, you can go here and listen to the archives from Saturday, or listen to it live on Sunday here at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time. The information says that archives are available in 71 languages four hours after a live broadcast. Wow! Imagine the people and effort that takes. It amazes me. This afternoon, as we listened, we had a big picnic in front of the computer for the first session, and for the second session, we pretty much bribed our kids to listen--or at least be quiet enough that King and I could listen. We had twelve kinds of candy, and assigned a word (such as Prophet, Jesus Christ, Faith, Prayer) to each one. When the girls heard a speaker say one of those words, they could get the treat that corresponded with it. It was amazing. They were shushing us if we commented on something someone said. They didn't want to miss a thing. I was surprised how much of the content they actually picked up. King had a quiz for "bonus candy" at the end of the session, and they got almost every answer right. Hopefully we can afford all of the cavities they'll get from all of that candy.

In other weekend news, I painted Sleeping Beauty's tap shoes red to match her dance costume, King got ready to plant some grass in our bald spots (on the lawn, not his head), we got a new inhaler for Snow White and allergy meds for Sleeping Beauty, and I looked again at swimming suits and determined that none would fit me well enough to hide the flaws that show when I am not wearing winter clothes. So, it seems that Spring is on it's way, even if it's supposed to snow twice this week.


  1. I'm telling you, that listen for a treat thing totally works! I love it.

  2. Great idea! Send me some questions (with the treats of course!)

  3. LISTEN FOR A TREAT!!! awesome. my "let's put together some puzzles" thing DID NOT go over so well.......

  4. Great idea on the candy! I'll have to add that in next time...
    I love spring, I wish I could keep wearing the winter clothes that comfotably cover and still stay cool. Oh well.

  5. It's crazy how fast Conference is available now. When I was in Australia we'd gather at the church a month after Conference to watch it on videotape.

  6. I love the candy idea. I really love the "bonus" round. Very cool!


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