April 24, 2009

Pick Your Faux Pas

Tonight, King has a work shin-dig. More of a "thank you, boss, for being such a great person, now we will have a token get-together to celebrate your fabulousness and wish you well in your future endeavors that don't include this sorry lot" thing. The instructions are simple: bring a companion, come from 4:30 to 6:30, dress casual, and bring an hors d'oeuvre. Sounds fun, right?

Well, it would be if your husband worked with normal people. But, mine does not. He works with actual fashion designers and legitimate chefs. This does not bode well for me. What exactly does "dress casual" mean to a fashion designer? Perhaps this? Or, maybe one of these?

None of those really fit my "jeans and whatever t-shirt is clean" wardrobe plan.

And, then there's the food. I had to actually look up how to spell hors d'oeuvre, so it seems that actually making something that passes as a fancy French word is probably beyond me. I picture the chefs looking down their noses and thinking, "I think she actually bought yogurt to put in this dip. Who doesn't make their own yogurt?" And let's not even start thinking about what they'd think if I just bought something already made. From Wal-Mart. Shudder.

So, I think I'll just throw caution to the wind and put on my fanciest skirt, a button up shirt, and make a dessert to share. Then, I can claim that I never saw any instructions, and instead of questioning my wardrobe and food, they can wonder if I really know how to use a computer. Or talk to my husband. Or read. Somehow, that's better...

I really have problems.

Not that this post is your first clue, or anything.


  1. I always stress about work things. Last summer we were invited to a BBQ at one of Dan's upper boss's house. The invitation said to bring a favorite recipe to share. I made some potatoes. I guess, I was suppose to know that meant to bring an appetizer and they were doing the dinner. My potatoes disappeared, they weren't set out with the appetizers, dinner or desserts. Luckily I had them in a disposable container because I was too embarrassed to ask for them back. I guess this summer I will know what not to bring.

  2. Whatever, I'm sure they'll be the hit of the party. One thing that you've got that those folks don't is authenticity. It's hard to fake "genuine." :)

  3. So, how did it go? Did you get any compliments on your clothing or dessert?

  4. I can't wait to hear the tale that will come from the party. Your blog is like ready one of those columns in the Sunday paper. Love it. And, I do hope you had some fun either in the event or writing about it.

  5. Gillian, your story is hilarious, but so sad. And you could have had those potatoes for dinner the next night. But, like you say, now you know.


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