April 1, 2009


April Fool's Day. The silliest holiday on the planet. The thing that I don't like about this day is that you have to come up with something new every year. Last year's trick won't work unless you have very gullible or forgetful children. Mine tend to talk about a trick for months, so they never forget. Here's the rice crispy meatloaf and ice cream mashed potatoes I served them last year:
They thought it was hilarious, and reminded me how fun it was last week. Last week. So, they won't fall for it again. Here I am on the morning of April 1st (nothing beats procrastinating things until the very last minute), trying to think of something fun and creative to do to surprise the girls. Maybe I'll tell them I planned a trick for weeks. That's the joke. That I planned ahead. Funny, eh? (I know, they won't like it either.)

In other foolish news, I started another new "maintenance" medicine for my headaches yesterday. The last one was possibly working, but it was too hard to tell because I was sleeping an average of only four hours a night, and not enough sleep is one of the triggers of my migraines. So, it's on to another new medicine to try. Just call me lab rat.

I was not too happy about this new endeavor yesterday, so had myself one of those "I feel sorry for myself so why should I bother doing anything constructive?" days. It was nice. Although, I ate all of the chocolate chips left in the freezer (don't worry, there wasn't a whole bag or anything--probably just two or three handfuls worth. Fine, probably four. Anyway...) So now all I have tucked away in the freezer for those emergency doses of chocolate to save my sanity are store brand butterscotch or vanilla flavored blobs of wax. This will not work for long.

Luckily, I wrote a limerick that is in a contest over at Diapers and Divinity. If I win, Steph has promised to send me some chocolate. So, hop on over there and vote for my limerick. Or, vote for any of them that you like. But, mine is a true story, and you should probably vote for me just because what is more foolish than accidentally showing off your nursing bra and everything surrounding it to the bishop and everyone else on the stand? It's April Fool's Day, so it seems fitting. I wish it had been April Fool's Day then. At least I could have pretended it was a joke instead of my real life. C'est las vie.


  1. ohhhh I am going there RIGHT NOW!!!! vote vote vote -- you WILL WIN SOME CHOCOLATE!!! :)

  2. You did a great job last year with the meatloaf and potatoes. You could be like me. I don't do anything today.
    Now, I'm headed over to limerick land.

  3. Anonymous4/03/2009

    Okay...you got my vote. Don't say I never did anything for ya :)

    I hope your girls don't tell mine about your creativity on April Fool's Day. Why must you set the bar so high? Next year I'll just have to send them over to your house...I just can't compete.

  4. Your poem is great! I hate having to worry if I'm fully clothed all the time. What is the fascination with buttons, and how do babies manage to get them undone?


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