April 14, 2009

Easter Events

Because I'm such a super on-top-of-things mom, these two pictures are the only two pictures I took Easter weekend. The girls trying on the new swimsuits I bought them. They fit, which is good, yet, they have nothing to do with Easter. Maybe it would have been more appropriate to take pictures of them in their new Easter dresses. Except I didn't buy them any. Yes, just one more reason for them to feel neglected and picked on. (I do my best.)
Luckily, someone else had the camera and snapped a couple of Easterish pictures during our festivities. First, the hunting of the eggs. (I'm in the background holding a tiny baby, which is why I took no pictures. I'm pretty sure I made the right choice. She was super sweet and tiny--just a week old, and, as you can tell, Cinderella preferred baby Grace over eggs, too.)

After the kids found all the eggs, the adults had an "egg fight". You tap your boiled eggs together and see which one cracks. The uncracked egg is the winner, and the owner of that egg moves on to the next round. This year, King won the egg fight, and I was second. SW and SB swear it was their egg dyeing skills that did it. I'm sure they are right, they dyed some pretty sweet eggs. They were great cheerleaders, too. It was a nice weekend with lots fun, friends, and food. Even our turkey dinner on Easter Sunday was delicious--despite the fact that we forgot to thaw the turkey and had to have chicken instead. I told you I was on top of things.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had a great time - despite you being so on top of things. :)

    Little Sal also received a new swim suit for Easter. I'm not too sure he was thrilled about it, but hey, he will get plenty of enjoyment out of it later.


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