April 29, 2009

Another Headache Post

I saw the neurologist on Thursday last week. The medicine I've been on for the last four weeks or so that is supposed to help prevent my migraines hasn't helped much. He thinks it may help a little, but it's too soon to tell. It doesn't feel too soon to me--it feels like I have been doing this forever. So, I am staying on this medicine, but he cut the dosage a little so I don't fall asleep in my breakfast bowl. He thinks an additional medicine is in order. Both together, on low doses, will supposedly help.

What kind of new medicine? Well, remember the medicine the neurologist doesn't like to put "young girls" on because it makes them fat and their hair falls out? Well, that would be the one. And, since I have already gained six pounds in six weeks as a side effect of the medicine I'm on now, ask me how excited I am to start this new one--I dare you. But, I should warn you, I have a baseball bat under my bed, and I'm not afraid to use it.

This is my doctor's last resort and then he is done with his "bag of tricks" and would send me to a headache clinic for further help. I don't know about you, but my idea of a good time does not include living in a hospital and getting experimental I.V. drugs. I don't feel like a headache clinic is right for me at this time. So, I have decided it is much better to gain weight and have my hair fall out than it is to live with a migraine every day and great hair (which is what I am pretending I have now.) The other side effects, so far, don't seem too bad, so we'll see how it goes in a few weeks. (By "not too bad", I mean I can get out of bed and mostly walk in a straight line, so that's good.) I still have a headache every day, but hopefully that will change.

In the meantime, I'm working on my new book. Look for it on bookshelves near you soon: Fat and Hairless, But Finally Painless: My Journey from Headache to Heartache. It should be a real page turner. ;)


  1. I will be the FIRST in line for that book, if it's signed, of course.

    Maybe you need a trip to Rochester to get a second opinion? I know someone who would love to house you? :)

  2. At least you haven't lost your sense of humor! This drug just may work :)

  3. I don't know. I might be knocking on the door of that clinic. Headaches are awful and I so feel for you.


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