April 7, 2009

Gas Guys

Why is it that my van always needs gas on the days that the gas prices jump up ten cents? I swear that it happens to me every time. And, lucky for me, it was below freezing, too. I just love standing in the freezing wind putting gasoline in my car. But, mostly I love the scary looking guys there that joke with me about how warm the Spring is here. Just for fun, to keep my mind off the freezing cold, I memorized the clothes and faces of the guys in case I hear later that there was a robbery. I mean, with gas prices climbing higher, you really never know what someone delusional enough to flirt with me at the gas station will do. I drive a mini-van, for heaven's sake! (But, I was wearing my four-year-old sweater, so it's possible that they just couldn't help themselves.)


  1. You gas station hussy! Shame on you. ;)

  2. Denise4/07/2009

    Whew! Lucky for you you were not wearing you acid wash jeans and jacket. You could have been in real trouble!

  3. I had to get gas today too, an errand I don't love. I don't get guys flirting with me, I get guys trying to sell me stuff or make me feel sorry enough to give them my hard earned money. Do I want to buy a wireless computer that you just stole from some nameless grandma? No, I do not, thank you! Do I want to buy knock off perfume at 50% off, no, I don't! Do I want to buy dinner for a family of 5 whose existence you want to prove to me with a photo? No, I don't. I am having a baby for goodness sakes! I need my money. :)


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